Se vc achava que aquela musica VIAGEM do Tihuana era de algum modo ORIGINAL, é porque ainda não tinha ouvido FARIES WERE BOOTS do BLACK SABBAHT.... Já nos anos 70 o OZZY viu fadas dançando com anões e bla bla bla... é BLACK SABBATH, é sonzeira...

Goin' home, late last night
Suddenly I got a fright
Yeah I looked through a window and surprised what I saw
A fairy with boots and dancin' with a dwarf,

All right now!

Yeah, fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
Yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lies
Yeah Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
I saw it, I saw it with my own two eyes,

Oh all right now!

Yeah, fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
Yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lies
Yeah Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
I saw it, I saw it with my own two eyes,

All right now!

So I went to the doctor
See what he could give me
He said "Son, son, you've gone too far.
'Cause smokin' and trippin' is all that you do."

More lyrics:


Cezar and Léia disse…
Essa eh legal, da epoca em que eles andavam tropecando em gnomos e ainda nao comiam morcegos...
God bless you!
P.S.: The Wizard eh show tambem!

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